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Scholarship Requirements

EAA Chapter 1354

Requirements for all chapter scholarship awards:


  1. Begin flight training within 20 days of accepting this award.


  1. Fly no less than twice a week, subject to weather conditions, aircraft availability, and availability of the instructor. It is highly recommended to schedule at least three lessons per week.


  1. Complete your solo within three months and complete your training with a successful DPE check-ride within twelve months.


  1. Keep logbook and other training records organized and with you for all lessons.


  1. Participate and volunteer with the EAA chapter 1354 no less than three hours per month. This will give you more opportunity to learn about different aircraft and have experienced pilots help you with your training.


  1. Attend monthly meetings of the chapter/gatherings and update the members on your training.


  1. Be willing to provide the EAA chapter with photos and test for the chapter’s website.


  1. Provide invoices for flight & ground training costs to the chapter’s Scholarship Coordinator after each eight hours of instruction.


  1. Provide the instructor with at least twelve-hour notice of cancelling any lesson.


  1. Write a personal letter of gratitude and thanks for the award.

Indy South Greenwood Airport
897 Airport Parkway
Greenwood, IN 46143
(317) 881-0887

©2023 by EAA1354

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